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Call for Projects

Project Call Begins

The Call for Projects for the development of the FY 2027-2030 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is officially underway. A project call is a competitive process. From time to time, MPOs hold project calls to distribute the federal funds allocated to their metropolitan area.

Informational Workshops

Workshop Agenda | Pre-Submittal Workshop Presentation - Coming Soon

Attendance of the Pre-Submittal Workshop is mandatory for all applicants. If you were unable to attend the live workshops, please contact Sonia Jimenez to request a recording in lieu of attendance.

Notice to Submitters for Eligibility

Full & Final Submittals Due to AAMPO

Projects will be screened by a working group of the Technical Advisory Committee to ensure the project will be ready to go to construction or commence during the FY 2027-2030 TIP. Eligible projects will continue to a 2nd round where they will be scored and ranked for selection and programming into the FY 2027-2030 TIP.

Multiagency Scoring Workshop(s) & Public Involvement

The MPO believes in the proactive involvement of citizens, affected public agencies, representatives of transportation agency employees, private providers of transportation, and other interested parties in the development and updates of transportation plans and programs. The MPO commits to public outreach that meets or exceeds its adopted Public Participation Plan.

TAC Funding Recommendation Work Session

The project selection process considers technical score, agency priority, public input and project readiness. The Transportation Policy Board ultimately selects projects for funding. An initial funding recommendation is made by the MPO’s Technical Advisory Committee to the Executive Committee of the Board. The Executive Committee then forwards a funding recommendation to the Transportation Policy Board. The Board’s action is expected in August/September 2025.

Executive Committee Recommended Projects Presentation

Coming soon.

TAC and Policy Board Action on Call for Projects Projects

The project selection process considers technical score, agency priority, public input and project readiness. The Transportation Policy Board ultimately selects projects for funding. An initial funding recommendation is made by the MPO’s Technical Advisory Committee to the Executive Committee of the Board. The Executive Committee then forwards a funding recommendation to the Transportation Policy Board. The Board’s action is expected in August/September 2025.

Action to Approve FY 2027-2030 TIP/Mobility 2050 Update/2026 Conformity Determination

The Transportation Policy Board is scheduled to adopt the FY 2027-2030 Transportation Improvement Program in April/May 2026.

Stay Informed!